Thursday, April 06, 2006

Best course in the program

We need more courses like Advanced Radio. The other stuff is fine for the most part, but doing it is the best way to learn, and courses like Advanced Radio let you do it while you enjoy it.

We had our last Advanced Radio class today. A memorable experience.

One more assignment to go and the 2nd year is in the bag.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'll add your name to the ever-growing list of students hungry for more hands-on radio opportunities that i'm going to present to the administration at the end of the semester.
i think you said you'll be away this summer, but if you're around, would you be interested in completing a for-credit independent study that would involve working on longer-form radio projects?

p.s. - do you and darce and mel want to "screen" my personal doc? i need more feedback than just barry's.

9:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


If anyone is interested in contributing social-issues-related audio docs to NFB's CITIZENShift podcast please drop me a line at:

m (dot) forsythe (at) nfb (dot) ca

Matt Forsythe

5:33 PM  

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